Module 7

Cellular Reproduction and DNA

Further Your Knowledge
Protein Synthesis Activity  - work through creating mRNA, tRNA, and proteins

Bitesize Science - Mitosis and Meiosis activity

An interactive on how DNA can be used in forensics and healthcare. 

A good  interactive activity to help you understand mitosis and meiosis.  We'll cover the genetics part in Module 8. Click and download the worksheet to use while doing the activity

Cells Alive - Mitosis   

Cells Alive - Meiosis 

Mitosis internet lesson  

Meiosis internet lesson 

The Big Picture Book of Viruses - full of information and pictures of viruses

Amoeba Sisters Videos

     Chromosome numbers in mitosis and meiosis 


Intro to DNA and Genes

DNA Replication

Why RNA is as important as DNA

Protein Synthesis

Just what is DNA?

A short video on DNA replication

A DNA and RNA primer

A good overview of the differences between mitosis and meiosis.

Mitosis and meiosis explained using beads.  Useful if you don't like the usual animated explanations.

If you want more mitosis and meiosis explanation, here is the teacher who did the bead video above.


In case you haven't had enough, here is more on mitosis.

Protein synthesis in your cells

How a virus invades your body.

Viruses and the common cold

Virus Wars!

Why do vaccines work?

How do cancer cells behave differently than healthy cells?

A rap lecture on viruses.

Followed by a rap lecture on DNA.

A mitosis song

A mitosis "dance" by Baylor University students

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